The Recent Successes of this Precedent-Setting Mesothelioma Law Firm

Baron and Budd is a plaintiffs' law firm that has a single point philosophy of protecting what's right. It picked up the gauntlet on behalf of asbestos victims when there was an attempt being made to scuttle victims' rights to file independent lawsuits. The law firm fought the case on its own and did not receive any compensation for their hard work. 

Baron and Budd, P.C. is not a referral firm, but a working firm that has the distinction of having successfully handled one of the first asbestos disease related lawsuits ever, a fact that speaks volumes about its experience in mesothelioma litigation.

Mesothelioma is a rare but deadly malignant cancer usually from the result of exposure to asbestos. It has a long latency period meaning that its symptoms take decades to manifest or have a visible effect on the health of the affected individual. What complicates a mesothelioma lawsuit even further is the fact that sometimes it is difficult to prove that it was caused due to asbestos exposure. Add to that the fact that prognosis is often poor and a victim finds himself in a very dire situation. More than 10,000 people die every year in the United States due to asbestos related conditions such as asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer.

Despite being a terrible and deadly disease, there is very little funding available for mesothelioma. The situation is made even sadder when the vast majority of people, including those at risk, are not even aware of the existence of mesothelioma or other asbestos related diseases.

For increasing awareness among workers and public at large, Baron and Budd sponsors, a database of over 15,000 unions in the United States. It goes to the credit of this national mesothelioma law firm that it has been appointed as the authorized legal service for issues related to asbestos and mesothelioma. The partnership between the two is expected to provide fresh momentum for the campaign against asbestos.

The mesothelioma lawyers of Baron and Budd have represented workers in asbestos-related lawsuits for decades and they rank as one of the most experienced law firms in the field. However, the law firm does not rest on its laurels and has shown that it is committed to the cause.

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